Starting your Job Search, A Step by Step Guide….
Conducting your job search can be overwhelming – especially if you do not know where to start. The secret is to take it one step at a time. Use this step-by-step guide to break down some of the work that goes into your job search.
1.Create a resume. Creating a resume is particularly difficult when you’re just out of school and have little to no “real world” work experience; however, you may have more experience than you realize. In addition to internships, consider any volunteer work you’ve done or leadership positions you held as part of an organization. For help building your resume, visit our resume-building tool on our Career Portal (
2.Build your professional network. Referrals are one of the top ways in which people find jobs, which is why building your professional network is both necessary and rewarding. Get out there!!
3.Check the job boards. One of the fastest ways to learn about available jobs is by conducting a search online at our Career Portal, or our website, Not only can you search for jobs, but you can also upload your resume so that recruiters who are searching for candidates can easily find you.
4.Cover your bases with a cover letter. According to a recent survey, 61 percent of hiring managers say they pay more attention to resumes that are accompanied by cover letters. Including a cover letter gives you a chance to introduce yourself personally to the hiring manager, and explain why you think you’d be a great fit for the position. Keep your letter short and sweet – no more than three paragraphs – and make sure you tailor it to the specific position for which you are applying. Recruiters can smell a generic cover letter a mile away.
8.Get social media-savvy. Social media can work for or against your job search. First, it’s important to know that more than half of employers look up candidates on social media. Got anything on your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram page you wouldn’t want employers to see? Take it down. Second, Personnel Resources uses social media to advertise open positions and recruit new employees, so start following us on Facebook. Not only is it a fast, easy way to learn about job opportunities, but it’s also a way to communicate and ask questions.
9.Nail the interview. Do you have an interview scheduled? Make sure you do your homework, dress appropriately, and know how to answer the toughest questions. For interview help/tips, visit our Career Portal at
Remember that finding a job takes time, patience and dedication. Good Luck!